Thursday, August 27, 2009


I hope that i will sieze these fleeting moments. my world is so rich... and it's bizarre to think that all of that nothing amounts to something. reality is mostly empty space, nothing that is pose'n as something. and yet all of us exist.

these symbols you are reading aren't the images that are conjured in your head.

one day my daughter will speak in complete sentences, drive a car, find love and heartbreak and love again...

all we have is now and metaphors to try and capture it. even our best technology, video camera's that record in HD, digital camera's that can freeze and instant, are nothing compared to the present moment, and our memories of it. and by the time you recognize this moment, this moment will be gone, but you'll bend the light pretending that it some how lingered on.

rawk in these mountains and now diamonds will remain. we're live'n in this life together and we'll wait to find if it lasts forever...

forever and ever amen.


Anglican Gurl said...

WOW! Loved the first video, it made me cry. Great song and you and your daughter are sooooo cute!

Tit for Tat said...

Looks like someone will be challenging Luke in the near future. I can hear her great oratory skills already. :)

Yael said...

I agree with John! She is going to far outshine poor dad!

Love the video, brings back memories of a dark haired baby boy 17 years ago who talked just like Eve!