Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Spot all the Lyrics, Win Prizes!

hey luke, what have you been reading? Glad I asked myself.

Stephen King's The Dark Tower Series. It's mysterious, crazed, and a great mix of many of my favorite genres. Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Westerns, Romance, and porn. It is also very philosophical, following closely to Einstein theory of parallel worlds. It centers around the gunslinger Roland and his 'Ka-tet'. Ka is something akin to Karma (what goes around comes around... dummy). This book is great but full of tragedy, including Roland himself. He's more of an anti-hero... making stupid, selfish decisions and then saving himself. What can i say, it's no laughing party, when you've been on the murder mile

The Ecological Indian by Shepard Krech III is a fabulous read from my Native American History class. It still is a wonderful read and just goes to prove that all we are is what we're told and most of that's been lies.

Also i've been in and out of a book called "The Ultimate Journey" by Richard Bernstein which is alright, but nothing to rave about.

what else is up? i went to NYC to see Megan and Lauren! check out my pix here! I went alone because Kate is out in Wyoming. Which sucks, but she'll be back on friday and we're both having as much fun as we possibly can while being miserable and separated. It's not every day that we can get hit on by cowboys or hang with two fabulous lesbians. plus there's no way i'd ever have gone to NYC without Kate telling me to. It's not because Meg and Lauren aren't reason enough, but because she gives me courage I didn't know I had and the motivation to get off my ass.

well, now i think that i'm going to bed as the image of you and yer crap leaves my head. much love!

*two things have been accomplished here.. i've finally written a rant and i've done so with 6 million links! yay!

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