Monday, February 22, 2010

LAST SEMESTER! The Class Schedule

This last semester, I'm taking World Religions, Christology, and Ministerial Ethics.

World Religions won't be all of the world's religions, which is a shame... but we will study Islam, Taoism, and Buddhism (specifically Tibetan Buddhism).

Christology has a great reading list and one of my fave professors. Books by Marcus Borg, John Dominic Crossan, Katheryn Tanner, and Rudolf Bultmann. Already some of my fave authors/theologians. looking forward to exploring the many thoughts out there about who Jesus is.

Ministerial Ethics is more about how to be an effective administrator and ethically do budgets and such. seems like a continuation of Pastoral Ethics... which largely focused on how to be a good sounding board and pastoral councilor.

i'll keep you posted on how the classes are going and maybe post some insights and such about them.

the real focus of this semester is getting ready to find a call. This Wednesday i head to my home church to discuss my ordination paper. in brief: they read the paper, ask questions about it, and decide if they will recommend me to Church and Ministry. C&M reads and asks me about the paper and then decides whether to recommends status to potomac board of directors. After i'm recommended twice, i am then labeled "authorized to enter the search and call process" meaning "able to circulate his profile to find a church that will have him as their minister." it's an exciting time! i'll keep you posted on that.

keep me in your thoughts and prayers for this Wednesday. i'm expecting no surprises here and am looking forward to being in my home church again and having a conversation about my theological positions and sense of call.


Jenn DeWalt said...

WOW! Last semester!! Enjoy every moment and know that, though we're not your "home church", you always have a home at TRUCC!! We love you! Best of luck on your call process!

Sabio Lantz said...

Plug away !
In case you need a new book suggestions, my favorite Tibetan Buddhist book is:
"Introduction to Tibetan Buddhism" by John Powers (447 pgs)

Not that you need more to read.
Enjoy the winding down of an era !

Luke said...

@Jenn, thanks for those kind words! Anytime we're back in the area or free on Sunday while still here, we're at TRUCC!

@Sabio, the assigned reading is the Dalai Lama's book about TB and the Tibetan Book of the Dead. I'll have to check out Power's as well. Thanks for the suggestion! i can always use more books ;-)